ISO Pre-assessments & Training
If you think you are almost ready for the ISO Certification but would like one more last-minute check, Redmond Worldwide, Inc provides pre-assessments to help ensure that any major gaps are identified and closed.
The overall context of the pre-assessment (audit) is to help encourage the view that audits are opportunities for learning and should be used to improve the organization.
The audit findings are presented in a way that encourages your organization to close the gaps from a systemic-process point of view.
The overall audit will ultimately be viewed by your organization as chance for them to make a difference in the success of their company.
Training is also available to help the employees know what to expect from the registrar and how to respond to the registrar’s questions.
ISO Implementation
Redmond Worldwide, Inc’s approach to implementing ISO is to not just put a certificate on the wall, but to create a business management system that:
- Focuses your organization on the customer
- Systemically aligns your processes
- Helps improve employee skills
- Requires continual improvement
- Manages environmental resources
- Protects your most valuable assets (including information)
– All of which contribute to your profit margin and also make your company more valuable.
Implementing an ISO system that functions as your business management system can be a challenge. Implementation requires a different skill set than those required for auditing; skills such as: facilitation, project management, human relations, systems thinking – to name a few.
Redmond Worldwide, Inc provides a full range of services. We offer:
- Project management services – timelines, plans and facilitation
- Management Training and Coaching
- Dashboard development and deployment
- Business Management System (BMS) design and training
- BMS implementation and training
And as we always say:
“If at the end of the day, you tell us that you are doing something because it is what Redmond Worldwide or ISO says you are supposed to be doing – that’s the wrong answer! You are supposed to be doing it because it adds value. If it’s not – we need to fix it so that it is helping your organization.”
A successful implementation should always have a positive effect on your bottom line.
ISO Internal Consultative Audits
ISO’s internal audits should be viewed as ‘windows’ into your organization. And working in conjunction with the Corrective/Preventive Action System and the Management Review should be a major driver within your system.
If this is not happening and you feel that your audit program needs a boost. Redmond Worldwide, Inc can:
- Conduct Internal Audits that are designed to enhance the performance of your company
- Provide Internal Audit Training for your auditors to help them see how the way that they conduct the audits ties directly to the bottom line of their organization
ISO Integrated Consultative Audits (for the real-time enterprise)
Your organization undergoes many different types of audits throughout the course of a year. Sometimes these audits add little or no value and in a few cases seem to be more disruptive to process efficiency and effectiveness than they are worth. As organizations become more real-time, their systems are becoming increasingly integrated. Taking a functional approach often sub-optimizes these processes.
Processes themselves are becoming more visible through the use of technology i.e., flowcharts, applications, CRM and ERP. It’s the management and control of these processes that will determine how well an organization will perform and conform to various requirements pressed upon it. Most of these audits, if properly planned ahead of time and done so either as a system/process audit – could be coordinated for both the audit and audit results and actually be viewed as an asset to the organization – and not an necessary evil.
Redmond Worldwide, Inc can help you with coordinating the upfront activities of integrating some of the audits that you will have to do throughout the year. We can also facilitate and oversee the audit process to make sure it is done in the most efficient and effective manner. And we can work with the auditors to ensure that the reports are integrated and written in a manner that will help to drive improvement.
Quality Professionals
With budgetary pressures and staffing issues, maintaining your current business/quality management system can prove to be an overwhelming challenge. With the help of Redmond Worldwide, , you can benefit from the experience of a seasoned pro but at significantly less cost than adding a full-time resource.
The Quality Pro can help to:
- Implement ISO standards
- Maintain your current quality system
- Integrate various risk management & regulatory requirements
- Conduct Internal ISO Audits
- Oversee the overall audit process
- Drive continual improvement efforts
- Manage projects
- Apply emergency fixes to your quality system
- Address virtually any quality issue…